Located in Hout Bay, Cape Town, our practice was initially a branch of Green Point Vet, and became a stand alone practice in the early 1990s. It’s a small animal practice, with four vets available for consultations, vaccinations, micro-chipping, general medical work-ups, x-rays, ultrasounds, dental treatment, soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery.
Jacqui Alexander
Jacqui enjoys surgery and is also interested in ultrasound.
Her three favourite ways to spend a day are diving, running or cooking.
She has 3 cats and 3 dogs. Her favourite animals are giraffes and turtles.
Emma von Klemperer
Emma’s area of special interest is feline medicine.
She’s an outdoors kind of girl – with cycling, hiking, and walking with her dogs and kids on the mountain at the top of the list.
Emma has two rescue dogs
Pam Allen
Pam’s special interest is ultrasonography and internal medicine.
Pam’s ultimate day includes walking her dogs and spending time in her garden rounded off with sun downers at the pool.
Pam has a house hold of rescues including three dogs, three cats, one rat and a collection of chickens.
Candice Elliot
Candice will be joining our Hout Bay Vet team from the 1st April. She has just finished her community service year. She has a passion for preventative health care and medicine.
She enjoys yoga and running and adventuring with her dogs.
Candice has a fluffy ginger cat and two dogs – all rescues.
Jono Roberts
Jono enjoys surgery and exotics.
Jono’s menagerie includes two pedigree miniature schnauzers, an italian greyhound, a yorkie cross, two rescue cats and the recent addition of quails.
On his day off, Jono likes to run on the mountain and have a braai with some friends.
Geoff Spiby
Geoff’s core focus is on surgery, especially orthopaedics.
Geoff has retired from daily practice but still comes in to assist us with complex orthopaedic surgeries. He is filling his time with lots of travel and growing amazing veggies.
Veterinary support staff
Abigail Stables
Abi is a qualified animal health technician. She helps with patient handling and care as well as helping with day to day hospital administration.
Abi teaches horse riding and manages stables. She is also a keen artist.
Abi has two horses, two dogs and a cat.
Veterinary physiotherapist
Kim Orrey
Kim is a veterinary physiotherapist with a special interest in rehabilitation of post-operative and neurological cases. She is passionate about educating owners about how to utilise physiotherapy for their pets.
Kim is a total exercise bunny and in her free time can be seen lifting at the local gym, throwing punches at Many Thai, catching waves or running around the mountain.
Oady is a Cocker Spaniel cross Irish Setter – Kim’s pride and joy. She also has a special needs rescue cat, Puffin, who she rehabilitated as a kitten from paralysis
Our front staff team is made up of Lynn, Wendy, Sandie, Lore, Penny and Penny, and Vanessa and Christelle as our practice managers. Our kennel assistants are Vuyani,Maxwell, Wilson and Lee.